I thought you might be interested to see photos of us. Here are a couple pictures of myself and 8-0-2-11-M hanging out around the house.
Here's 8-0-2-11-M. As you can see, he was having a particularly rough day. He had just found out that I had taken the last piece of bread from microwave and this always send him into a rage. I like to egg him on.
That's me, 8-0-2-11-F. I'm having a very good hair day. I am also full on bread.
CURIOSITY? Sometimes things in microwave lead to DESTRUCTION! Never forget to open microwave!
- Robots
- Snopes
- Stuff On My Cat
- My Cat Hates You
- Implied Regurgitation
- Hedigcal Trevor
- 2008 Presidential Campaign!
- Behind the Scenes
- It's getting hot in here
- Curiosity!
- To Brighten Your Day
- watch your back in brooklyn
- The new Banana Man....
- July 2005
- August 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
It's getting hot in here
Some choice songs for the heat:
Palisade's Park sung by Freddie Cannon...written by that psycho game/gong show guy.
Glamour Boys by Living Colour
She's Like a Rainbow by Rolling Stones
No-No's for the heat (though I may enjoy them on a regular day):
anything with lots of bass i.e. Ol' Dirty Bastard
heavy metal...because heavy is not a good word in the heat...neither is metal. Metal can get hot you know. ouch.
Share with me your songs for heated days.
Palisade's Park sung by Freddie Cannon...written by that psycho game/gong show guy.
Glamour Boys by Living Colour
She's Like a Rainbow by Rolling Stones
No-No's for the heat (though I may enjoy them on a regular day):
anything with lots of bass i.e. Ol' Dirty Bastard
heavy metal...because heavy is not a good word in the heat...neither is metal. Metal can get hot you know. ouch.
Share with me your songs for heated days.
Monday, July 18, 2005
To Brighten Your Day
This mugshot shows us that mom should be more concerned with our t-shirts, not how clean our underwear is.
And then of course...
MSNBC...now hiring hos.
And then of course...
Sunday, July 17, 2005
watch your back in brooklyn
M and I were walking down the street, minding our own business, when suddenly an ominous sound did appear. A shrill squeaking coming from directly behind us. At first we did not turn...we simply silenced and continued on a few steps. The sound persisted so we turned our heads without slowing our pace. Oh the horror...a zombie pushing a large black case on a single minature wheel, hot on our heals! I think the case contained laughing gas because we were overcome with the giggles the entire block.
Thinking back, it might just have been some guy staring ahead with his mouth hanging open and pushing along a stand up bass. Either way, it's pretty frightening.
True Story.
Thinking back, it might just have been some guy staring ahead with his mouth hanging open and pushing along a stand up bass. Either way, it's pretty frightening.
True Story.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
The new Banana Man....
This is one of those videos that might change your life. At the very least, your day will never be the same.